Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Friday, February 12, 2010

Mothers and Children

Saw this video and thought about it for 3 days. LOVE the images. Inspired by the words. And, instead of just imagining what I could do with all of the feelings it stirred up and creative energy I have swirling, I decided to use it as a springboard and open up one day of mini sessions in April.

In honor of Mother's day 2010 I would like to photograph children and their mothers. Any age. Boy or Girl. 1 month to 99 years. Together. Just being you. Celebrating your relationship. Simply. Beautifully.

Sessions will take place at my home in West Chester, PA. (no travel sessions available at this time) Do NOT. I repeat. DO NOT start stressing about how you look and about why you don't want your picture taken. YOU are so. beyond. that.

Here is another video on the topic that a friend shared with me recently. Get out the tissues.

I am SO looking forward to this day. Additional information regarding the sessions can be found at my website (www.amygleason.com) under the mini session tab. You can contact me at amy@amygleason.com using MOMS as the type of session and for time slots available. Give this gift to yourself if you are a mom. Give this gift to your Mom if you are lucky enough to have a local mom. Or here's an idea- give it to your wife for Mother's Day. (images will be delivered before Mother's Day 2010) Promise we'll have fun and create some beautiful images.

enjoy the moments-- treasure those you love-


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Enter to WIN a session

slideshow, coffee table book and wall gallery with amy gleason fine art portraiture. Go to Mylifetime.com and Click on the Live Beautifully Sweepstakes and enter to win. Details of the contest sponsored by Bali at myLifetime.com. (prize is worth $8,000.00)

Click on any of the links below for a sample session slideshow

"Wink and a smile"


"This is Home"

Session fees start at $ 250.00 with Wall Galleries and Collections beginning at $ 1,000.00. Please contact me through the contact page on my website for booking inquiries, travel schedule, or questions regarding amy gleason fine art portraiture capturing your LIFE...as...ART.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

new client interest

I am currently booked (with sessions and with fighting cancer)through the summer. If you are currently on my schedule- you are all set.

This week we learned that my husband has relapsed AML and will need a bone marrow transplant. It is through these times- that I see how very important my work is to me- and to my clients.

I will be booking sessions again in September. Please contact me through the contact page on my website to be added to a list for information when I resume my regular booking schedule. (write ADD ME to the list in the info section)

My all time favorite quote becomes even more relevant during times like this...

"In every ordinary day there are a thousand miracles...if only we have eyes to see them."
flavia weedn

looking forward to capturing your LIFE...as...ART

Amy Gleason

Saturday, April 11, 2009